Friday, July 21, 2006

Quick but long update.

Well I see that two months have passed and we have just finished recovering from the destructive Wind Gust that destroyed our gazebo, emotionally that is, physically it was just the gazebo that got hurt. Unfortunately Mitch Murphy ruled that we were ineligible for disaster relief, so oh well shit happens.

Just a note that we will be without the interweb for a couple of weeks, we are heading to Montreal for a little vacation, and we have to send the computer out to get a CD burner replaced while the warranty is still in effect.

Some exciting times are coming up I can officially say that I am out of retail, I just got a job at the Airport with Westjet and Sunwing working on the runway. very cool, or hot I guess apparently the pit as it's called gets very warm. Erin is officially done of her classroom work and now she just has to finish her case study and she will finally have her Masters Degree in Education, that's cool, golf clap everyone, don't want to wake the baby. Speaking of the baby we have the ultrasound pic and it will be posted at the end of this note, let me know if you think it's a boy or girl and we're doing the name thing again.

We're looking forward to seeing our friends Patricia and Blair when we get to Montreal, and hopefully Kim and Mike if we can make it to Ottawa or they can make it to Montreal.

Anyways if there is no response from us by e-mail or whatever is done by computer for the next couple of weeks you can blame Futureshop warranty repair.

Please save the "and what a boy" comments it's only funny when Homer says it. But seriously I've seen these pictures and said wow I can't make out anything. We're pretty lucky that we got one where you can see bone ( the bright white lines) and facial features. Isn't this crazy?


Anonymous said...

oh mack, i'm so happy you got the job, but really sad you are leaving. you are one of my favourite co-workers. whenever things really get to me you always knock some sense into my head to stop giving a damn.

ultrasounds are absolutely amazing. i am soo happy for you both!

keep in touch!!

Duffy said...

It's wierd that those words are also inside Erin. I mean, she not only has a baby in there, but also, there seem to be random alphabets too. Can you see them. One seems to say 'face', another 'leg', and yet another 'back'. I've never seen anything like it!! What did the doctor say about it?! How the alphabets all lined up in the appropriate way in the exact spots is surely baffling? What does it all mean? Any why isn't the sex of the baby spelled out as well? Hmmmm........

Anonymous said...

lol @ josh

Anonymous said...


ps your flickr account is apparently no longer active..